Kindergarten Home School Tour
Hello again! It has been years since I have posted on here (because having 2, now 3, kiddos doesn't really allow for the...Continue reading →
Extreme Couponing for the Not So Extreme – Series 2: Baby Supplies
When a baby is on the way, it's easy to go a little crazy with the spending! Especially for us, when you've waited so long...Continue reading →
My 10 “Must Have” Baby Products List
The first time my husband and I walked into Babies R Us it took no more than 30 minutes and we were completely overwhelmed...Continue reading →
Extreme Couponing for the Not So Extreme – Series 1: Groceries
We've all seen the episodes of the "extreme couponing" shows. People who dedicate their lives to getting 70 lifetimes...Continue reading →
5 Tips to Effortless Baby Packing
Ever since I was little, I have been known for my affinity to over-packing. I fully recognize I have an irrational fear of...Continue reading →
New Momma Must-Have Basket!!!
Babies are in the air!! I have been so blessed to have so many friends having babies lately! Instead of your standard...Continue reading →
After {..several..} failed attempts, why this round of Whole30 was a success…
It's no surprise to anyone who follows me in any form of social media (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat,...Continue reading →
Why I am a chronic ‘over-sharer’….and have no plans to stop!
A few weeks ago one of my favorite women in the world asked me if I would guest post on her blog - Hey Girl Hey! I was...Continue reading →
6 Tips for Potty Training Success
Truth be told I have been putting off potty training for some time. A diapered child is pretty easy to be out-and-about...Continue reading →