I cannot think of a better reason to throw a party than the finalization of the adoption of our perfect baby boy. In our state, a birth mother has 48 hours to sign her parental rights termination following the child’s birth, but the adoption is not finalized until at least six months later in the court. We always knew in our hearts D was our forever son, but having it legally recognized was quite the emotional experience, one that I will treasure forever. We were lucky to have so many of our friends and family celebrate D’s adoption being “O-FISH-AL”. See below for all of the details on this very festive party!
- Front Door – Fish net & cut-out fish from Oriental Trading (order here)
- Entry way – Chinese lanterns, streamers, and balloons
- Living Room – Homemade Jellyfish Lanterns (See Instructions Here!) & Tissue Paper Fish (order here)
- Food Table – Plastic table cloths in progressively darker blue shades, cut into a scalloped shape (I used different size paper plates to trace), green streamers twisted, cut-out fish scattered across table, tissue paper fish hung from light (to prevent any bumps!), window covered with fish net and blow-up fish; I also used pails and fish bowls to serve food from
- Table Centerpiece: A beautiful cookie bouquet as sent to us by my wonderful Aunt & Uncle!!